TrainingBriefs® Substance Abuse - Staying Focused on the Issue
5 Minutes Level: Intermediate
New Micro-Learning! One of the challenges of dealing with a substances abuse situation, especially for the inexperienced, is staying focused on the issue. Emotions tend to run high and it can be easy to get sidetracked. In this course, you'll learn about the things you can do to ensure your meeting stays focused on the issue.
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
Language: English

- Audio Narration
- Interactive Exercises
- Video
- Post-Assessment
Learning Objectives
New Micro-Learning! One of the challenges of dealing with a substances abuse situation, especially for the inexperienced, is staying focused on the issue. Emotions tend to run high and it can be easy to get sidetracked. In this course, you'll learn about the things you can do to ensure your meeting stays focused on the issue.
Your approach should be professional and focused on work performance. Do not get sidetracked or swayed by emotional responses. Outline performance and conduct expectations and let the employee know that there are consequences for failing to meet those expectations.
Learning Topics
Industry Settings
- Healthcare
- Industrial & Manufacturing
- Office & General
- Retail
Compatibility Notes
- Supports iPhone & iPad App: TrainingFlow™ App on iOS devices
- Supports Android App: TrainingFlow™ app on Android devices
- Supports Current Browsers: Chrome 60+, Firefox 60+, Safari 12+, Edge 16+