SafetyBytes® Course
SafetyBytes® - HazCom: Routes Of Exposure
6 Minutes Level: Intermediate
Knowing the potential hazards of the chemicals you work with is a vital first step in ensuring your safety - both on the job, and at home. In this lesson, we’ll discuss the routes of entry that hazardous materials might have you’re your body.
Target Audience: General
Language: English

- Audio Narration
- Video
Learning Objectives
The safe handling of chemicals begins with - information. Knowing the potential hazards of the chemicals you work with is a vital first step in ensuring your safety - both on the job, and at home. In this SafetyBytes® lesson, we’ll discuss the routes of entry that hazardous materials might have you’re your body.
Learning Topics
Industry Settings
- Healthcare
- Industrial & Manufacturing
Compatibility Notes
- Supports iPhone & iPad App: TrainingFlow™ App on iOS devices
- Supports Android App: TrainingFlow™ app on Android devices
- Supports Current Browsers: Chrome 60+, Firefox 60+, Safari 12+, Edge 16+