Search Course Catalog (32 Courses Found)

Contains all of the available courses within the TrainingFlow™ LMS.

Results for Topic: Abusive Conduct

Drawing the Line: Creating a Respectful & Harassment-Free Workplace™ (2-Hour Mgr/Sup Version)
Advantage Plus Course

Drawing the Line: Creating a Respectful & Harassment-Free Workplace™ (2-Hour Mgr/Sup Version)

Minimum 120 Minutes Popular Level: Intermediate
A detailed course on harassment and discrimination prevention that addresses requirements around AB1825, AB2053, SB396 and CA FEHA requirements. This course consists of 12 modules and is designed especially for supervisors & managers.
Topics: Harassment, Compliance, Management, Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
Sexual Harassment: It Can Happen Here™ (Employees)
Signature Course

Sexual Harassment: It Can Happen Here™ (Employees)

30 Minutes Popular Level: Foundational
Educate your employees on the most common forms of sexual harassment. This course provides the understanding and skills necessary to create and maintain a respectful workplace.
Topics: Sexual Harassment, Professionalism, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Employees
Understanding School Bullying
Signature Course

Understanding School Bullying

45 Minutes Level: Intermediate
Bullying is a widespread issue in the United States. While bullying can happen to anyone, some groups may be at greater risk. Bullying negatively affects those who are bullied, those who bully others, bystanders, and others in the school community. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Kids who are bullied - and who bully others - may have serious, lasting problems.
Topics: Abusive Conduct, Communication
Industry Settings: Office & General
Target Audience: General
I Said Something™ Promoting Respectful Workplace Behavior for Managers
Signature Course

I Said Something™ Promoting Respectful Workplace Behavior for Managers

40 Minutes Level: Intermediate
Did you know that as a manager or supervisor - you are held to a higher legal standard in harassment & abusive conduct cases. Workplace harassment has consequences - for the target of harassment, the organization and even YOU - the manager or supervisor! Learn how to identify and address workplace harassment using real-life examples and relevant video scenarios. As a manager, you need to know how to address bad workplace behavior.
Topics: Harassment, Respect, Workplace Violence Prevention, Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
I Said Something™ Promoting Respectful Workplace Behavior
Signature Course

I Said Something™ Promoting Respectful Workplace Behavior

30 Minutes Level: Intermediate
Research tells us that as many as 80% of women (and up to 20% of men) experience harassment in the workplace and two-thirds of workers experience bullying in the workplace. This course provides the tools to effectively and appropriately respond to workplace bullying and harassment as well as how to step up and put an end to aggressive and fearful behavior. Each area (bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination) covered in the fast moving program is actionable, reasonable and can have significant impact on your organization.
Topics: Harassment, Respect, Workplace Violence Prevention, Discrimination, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
Preventing Workplace Bullying: How to Recognize and Respond to Bullies at Work™ (Managers, Streaming)
Streaming Video

Preventing Workplace Bullying: How to Recognize and Respond to Bullies at Work™ (Managers, Streaming)

5 minutes Level: Foundational
This program is about recognizing and preventing bullying in the workplace. Bullying can happen in any size organization and in any department. Awareness is paramount. It is everyone's responsibility to prevent it. Streaming course version. Streaming course version.
Topics: Abusive Conduct, Communication, Harassment, Management, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® It’s That Time Again
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® It’s That Time Again

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
Ever hear inappropriate gender-based jokes or comments in the workplace? Unfortunately, the sometimes subtle nature of what constitutes harassment and discrimination can make it difficult to identify. Using a dramatic example taken from a real life situation, this interactive program provides a realistic scenario intended to generate discussion regarding what behaviors constitute inappropriate behavior at work.
Topics: Harassment, Compliance, Harassment, Respect, Discrimination, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
ENOUGH!™ Sexual Harassment Situations for Discussion
Signature Course

ENOUGH!™ Sexual Harassment Situations for Discussion

40 Minutes Level: Foundational
Most of us know that we all share a responsibility for preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. But one of the challenges we face on a day to day basis is recognizing it. It's not enough to understand the legal definition alone… we have to know what sexual harassment looks like in the real world… and its consequences on each other… and the organization.
Topics: Sexual Harassment, Compliance, Harassment, Professionalism, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Just Asking
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Just Asking

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
Do your employees know the difference between unprofessional and illegal behavior and sexual harassment? Could they recognize how an unwelcome pursuit can become harassing behavior? What if it was a manager pursuing an employee? Inappropriate or illegal?
Topics: Sexual Harassment, Compliance, Professionalism, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Way to Go Team!
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Way to Go Team!

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
Slapping any employee on the butt is inappropriate workplace behavior and should not happen with any employee! Unwanted touching, swatting, rubbing or any other physical action of this type spells trouble in the workplace. It’s best to keep physical contact to a minimum and always on a professional level.
Topics: Sexual Harassment, Harassment, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Scratch My Back
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Scratch My Back

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
Promising a promotion in return for sexual favors is illegal and may be grounds for a quid pro quo sexual harassment lawsuit. While managers and supervisors are held to a higher legal standard in sexual harassment cases, sexual harassment prevention is everyone’s responsibility. What it all comes down to is this - preventing sexual harassment is about recognizing what's going on around us and then making good decisions.
Topics: Sexual Harassment, Harassment, Respect, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® The Birthday Girl
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® The Birthday Girl

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
It's not enough to understand the legal definition of sexual harassment… we must know what sexual harassment looks like in the real world… and its consequences on each other… and the organization. Because appropriate touching varies so much among different people, the best advice is to keep close personal touch to a minimum and always on a professional level.
Topics: Sexual Harassment, Harassment, Professionalism, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® While You’re Down There…
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® While You’re Down There…

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
Before we can prevent sexual harassment, we need to understand what is considered harassing behavior. The behavior must be unwelcome. The behavior can be very obvious or very subtle. It can be verbal or written, visual, or physical. Comments (innuendo) and body language can be clear indicators of harassing behavior.
Topics: Sexual Harassment, Harassment, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
The Consequences of Sexual Harassment™ (Employee Course, Multi-State, Spanish Version)
Advantage Course

The Consequences of Sexual Harassment™ (Employee Course, Multi-State, Spanish Version)

60 Minutes Level: Foundational
One Course. Complete Training Coverage! Sexual harassment training requirements for your employees has never been easier. This newly created 60-minute course is based on the popular ENOUGH!™ training program and covers all* required state training requirements (with additional state-specific content for California, New York, Washington, Delaware, Illinois, District of Columbia and Maine). This is Spanish version of the "The Consequences of Sexual Harassment™ (Employee Course, Multi-State)" course.
Language: Spanish (NA)
Topics: Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Employees
TrainingBriefs® Workplace Bullying - Standing Up for Others
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Workplace Bullying - Standing Up for Others

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! Whether you’re aware or not, bullying is a common occurrence in the work arena. Many individuals are afraid to speak up when they, or one of their coworkers, are being bullied. They might be concerned about what others will think. Ongoing, long-term bullying can have a negative impact on your overall well-being, which in turn can have a negative impact on your performance and ability to do your work. But what exactly do you do if you witness one of your coworkers being bullied?
Topics: Abusive Conduct, Compliance, Harassment
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
The Consequences of Sexual Harassment™ (Employee Course, Multi-State)
Advantage Course

The Consequences of Sexual Harassment™ (Employee Course, Multi-State)

60 Minutes Level: Foundational
One Course. Complete Training Coverage! Sexual harassment training requirements for your employees has never been easier. This newly created 60-minute course is based on the popular ENOUGH!™ training program and covers all* required state training requirements (with additional state-specific content for California, New York, Washington, Delaware, Illinois, District of Columbia and Maine).
Topics: Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Employees
TrainingBriefs® Workplace Bullying – Committing to Next Steps
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Workplace Bullying – Committing to Next Steps

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! So you know what bullying is. You know you need to speak up for yourself and you know how important it is to stand up for others when faced with a bully. But what do you do next? You’ll never change the situation if you don’t commit to taking the next steps.
Topics: Abusive Conduct, Compliance
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Workplace Bullying - Speaking Up for Yourself
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Workplace Bullying - Speaking Up for Yourself

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! If you think you’ve seen your last bully once you graduated from school, you may be surprised to discover that you’ll likely face them in the workplace as well. You can’t get away from them… and trying to bully back can backfire on you. However, you can learn to deal with them in an adult manner that puts them in their place without your having to resort to rudeness.
Topics: Abusive Conduct, Compliance, Harassment
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Recognizing Bullying Behavior
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Recognizing Bullying Behavior

9 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! Bullying is a very serious issue and even though legal action can’t always be taken, it still requires action from employees who witness it or are targets. This means that preventing bullying and speaking up about behavior that crosses the line is dependent upon you being aware and willing to take the next step.
Topics: Abusive Conduct, Compliance, Harassment, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
Preventing Workplace Bullying: How to Recognize and Respond to Bullies at Work (Streaming)
Streaming Video

Preventing Workplace Bullying: How to Recognize and Respond to Bullies at Work (Streaming)

18 minutes Level: Foundational
This program is about recognizing and preventing bullying in the workplace. Bullying can happen in any size organization and in any department. Awareness is paramount. It is everyone's responsibility to prevent it. Streaming course version.
Topics: Abusive Conduct, Communication, Harassment, Management, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General
Target Audience: Employees