Search Course Catalog (275 Courses Found)

Contains all of the available courses within the TrainingFlow™ LMS.

Results for Topic: Management

Legal Briefs™ Family and Medical Leave Act: What Every Manager Should Know
Streaming Video

Legal Briefs™ Family and Medical Leave Act: What Every Manager Should Know

22 Minutes Level: Foundational
The intent of the Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is to help employees balance work and family responsibilities by guaranteeing them leaves in certain situations. Trying to decipher the in's and out's of the law can be a challenge. This program gives you a better understanding of the FMLA.
Topics: Ethics, Compliance, Management
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
Generations: M.E.E.T. for Respect in the Workplace™ (For Employees)
Streaming Video

Generations: M.E.E.T. for Respect in the Workplace™ (For Employees)

30 Minutes Level: Foundational
With workers from multiple (up to 5) generations now active in the workforce, the potential for misunderstanding, frustration and conflict puts increasing pressure on productivity.
Topics: Diversity Dynamics, Communication, Compliance, Interpersonal Skills, Leadership, Management
Industry Settings: Office & General
Target Audience: Employees
Courage 2 Coach™ (Streaming)
Streaming Video

Courage 2 Coach™ (Streaming)

20 minutes Level: Foundational
Courage 2 Coach™ turns common sense into common practice with a four-step process that can be applied to any employee performance situation. This course walks each user through a realistic range of tough employee performance situations make this program ideal for organizations committed to supervisory success. Streaming course version.
Topics: Coaching & Mentoring, Change, Communication, Motivation, Interpersonal Skills, Management, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® Managing Retaliation Situations
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Managing Retaliation Situations

8 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! Many people have misconceptions about retaliation in the workplace. Well, here are the facts. Retaliation is one of the fastest growing types of harassment reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Retaliation is a costly problem. So, you must be proactive in addressing retaliatory behavior in the workplace and be very vigilant of your own behavior, so you are not personally accused of any wrongdoing.
Topics: Compliance, Management, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® Integrity Action Steps for Managers
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Integrity Action Steps for Managers

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! Integrity is everyone’s responsibility. By doing your part to build a business culture of high integrity, you can achieve greater personal job satisfaction and help others to do the same. As a leader, you have a responsibility to promote a culture of integrity in your organization. It starts with your own behavior and by showing your employees that ethical conduct is important. Integrity happens when you make it safe for employees to speak up and prevent retaliation against anyone who does.
Topics: Ethics, Leadership, Management
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® Your Attitude Effects the Team
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Your Attitude Effects the Team

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! Dealing with attitude issues is a common problem for managers. You can have a terrific team of people, but one bad attitude can be the weak link in the chain that pulls everyone else down. It’s very difficult to hide a bad attitude. Research shows us that employees generally express their bad attitudes in three primary ways.
Topics: Leadership, Communication, Management, Teamwork
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® Team Cohesion (Diversity Moments)
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Team Cohesion (Diversity Moments)

9 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! Being a successful manager requires being able to juggle numerous work priorities while keeping your balance. One of the priorities you must juggle is developing and maintaining a cohesive and productive team - easier said than done! A diverse workforce creates a diverse range of opinions, attitudes, and perspectives – and all that diversity can result in conflict, tension, and frustration leading to lost productivity – and possibly even a disruption to customer service.
Topics: Diversity Dynamics, Interpersonal Skills, Management, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Protecting Confidentiality in an Investigation
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Protecting Confidentiality in an Investigation

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! Harassment, discrimination and other inappropriate behaviors are serious issues that must be dealt with. Accusations, right or wrong, can also have a devastating effect on a person's career, reputation in their community and relationships with other co-workers - and because of that, they can lead to lawsuits. It's up to you as the manager to get the facts, and it's also up to you to make sure those facts remain as confidential as possible.
Topics: Compliance, Management
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® An Employee Who Threatens an Outsider
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® An Employee Who Threatens an Outsider

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! If an employee has threatened someone outside your organization, it may be a warning sign of an employee who is under stress and having a difficult time maintaining control of his or her emotions. If you fail to act, you could end up facing a hostile work environment lawsuit. Direct intervention at an early stage really does make a difference.
Topics: Compliance, Management, Workplace Violence Prevention
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® An Employee with a Temper
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® An Employee with a Temper

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! There is no excuse, in the eyes of the law, for permitting unacceptable or unprofessional behavior of any kind - regardless of the circumstances. If you are unsure how to deal with the situation, consult with an EAP professional, human resources, security officials or upper management. There are resources available to help you with these types of problems. So, if someone gets out of line... deal with it. Immediately.
Topics: Compliance, Management, Workplace Violence Prevention
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: General
TrainingBriefs® Returning to Work: Common Employee Questions
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Returning to Work: Common Employee Questions

4 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! As employees and staff begin their return to the workplace after the pandemic stay-at-home orders, they will have questions... many questions. Things will take time to get back to normal. And many think the 'new' normal might not be much like how we did things in the past. As a manager, you need to be prepared for questions and concerns brought to you by your team.
Topics: Leadership, Communication, Management, Workplace Safety
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
The Goal™ (How-To Version)
Streaming Video

The Goal™ (How-To Version)

50 Minutes Level: Foundational
Like the best-selling book upon which it is based, The Goal shares the inspiring story of Alex Rogo, who uses the principles of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) like bottlenecks, throughput, and flow balancing to transform his mediocre division into a money-making machine. Alex and his team reject common 'nonsense' measurements and discover a commonsense, yet more effective approach to boosting the company's bottom line.
Topics: Management, Leadership
Industry Settings: Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® The Virtual Workplace: Tackling Time Theft
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® The Virtual Workplace: Tackling Time Theft

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! Remote teams and mobile workers are becoming more and more popular among businesses. This makes tracking an employee’s efficiency and productivity very difficult. This course tackles time theft… when an employee accepts pay from their employer for work that they haven’t actually done, or for time they have not actually put into their work. Time theft can certainly hurt business by decreasing employee productivity and costing the organization money.
Topics: Ethics, Management, Professionalism, Teamwork
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® Engaging Your Remote Team
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Engaging Your Remote Team

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! More and more teams are working remotely - and for many people - this is a brand-new experience. For managers, this means another level of complexity when it comes to supporting team members while making sure that the work gets done. This course is designed to give you some ideas for how to keep your team engaged and productive while they are working remotely.
Topics: Management, Inclusion & Equity, Teamwork
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® Families First Coronavirus Response Act (An Overview)
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Families First Coronavirus Response Act (An Overview)

7 Minutes Level: Intermediate
New Micro-Learning! On March 18, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. This law requires certain employers to provide paid family leave to employees who are caring for a child due to a school or daycare closure, and requires certain employers to provide two weeks of paid sick leave to full-time employees for six COVID-19 related absences.
Topics: Compliance, Management
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® Preparing for the Interview
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Preparing for the Interview

8 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! Selecting the right person requires a structured interview process that evaluates for three dimensions: 
capability, commitment & chemistry. An effective three-dimensional interview starts with preparation. The bottom line is this; a consistent, structured interview process is the single most important factor in conducting an effective interview.
Topics: Interviewing & Hiring, Management
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® Evaluating the Interview
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Evaluating the Interview

5 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! So you think you know how to properly prepare for and conduct your interview but what do you do next? Once you have concluded all your interviews, the next step is to evaluate the interviews to determine who among all the candidates is the best fit for the job.
Topics: Interviewing & Hiring, Management
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® Recruiting & Hiring: Protected Groups
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Recruiting & Hiring: Protected Groups

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! In this course, we'll cover that concept that almost everyone could be in a protected group based on race, national origin, religion, gender, age, or disability. So, there are some important things regarding recruiting and hiring that you need to remember.
Topics: Management, Compliance, Professionalism
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
You Be the Judge™ II (Video)
Streaming Video

You Be the Judge™ II (Video)

24 Minutes Level: Intermediate
National Best-Seller! Managers within your organization may well understand the importance of avoiding obvious discriminatory interview questions. But what if a manager asks a discriminatory question unintentionally?
Topics: Interviewing & Hiring, Management, Discrimination
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
TrainingBriefs® Communication Tools
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Communication Tools

6 Minutes Level: Foundational
New Micro-Learning! Let’s face it, leaders can never have enough communication skills to deal with all of the situations that come their way in the workplace. By the end of this module, you will be able to identify coaching and problem-solving questions to help employees develop greater competence and confidence.
Topics: Management, Communication, Leadership
Industry Settings: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors