Signature Course
The Right Side of the Line: The M.E.E.T. Resolution Module
15 - 20 minutes Level: Intermediate
This program is designed to help you recognize, respond to and resolve difficult interactions that can stem from inappropriate or illegal behaviors in the workplace. This allows you and your organization to stay on the "right side of the line".
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
Language: English

- Audio Narration
- Inline Quizzes
- Video
Learning Objectives
This program is designed to help you recognize, respond to and resolve difficult interactions that can stem from inappropriate or illegal behaviors in the workplace. This allows you and your organization to stay on the "right side of the line".
Industry Settings
- Industrial & Manufacturing
- Office & General
Compatibility Notes
- Supports iPhone & iPad App: TrainingFlow™ App on iOS devices
- Supports Android App: TrainingFlow™ app on Android devices
- Supports Current Browsers: Chrome 60+, Firefox 60+, Safari 12+, Edge 16+