Interactive Tools
Anger at a Lower-Than-Expected Raise (Managing Essentials™ Series)
15 Minutes Level: Intermediate
New Just-In-Time Performance Management Tool! You have an employee complains to you that their raise was less than expected. What do you do? There are four steps you can take to help the situation.
Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
Language: English

- Interactive Exercises
- Job Aids and Reference Materials
- Video
Learning Objectives
New Just-In-Time Performance Management Tool! You have an employee complains to you that their raise was less than expected. What do you do? There are four steps you can take to help the situation.
Here are a few tips! When you meet, get feedback from the employee. Seek to understand the employee’s perspective and really listen. Don’t discuss raises received by other employees.
Job Aids and Reference Materials
- Managing Essentials™ Anger at a Lower-Than-Expected Raise
4 pages
Learning Topics
Industry Settings
- Healthcare
- Industrial & Manufacturing
- Office & General
- Retail
Compatibility Notes
- Supports iPhone & iPad App: TrainingFlow™ App on iOS devices
- Supports Android App: TrainingFlow™ app on Android devices
- Supports Current Browsers: Chrome 60+, Firefox 60+, Safari 12+, Edge 16+