Blog Posts from 2020

For self-directed learning, we design for all training platforms and help you aim your message and fulfill your learning goals by taking into account your ultimate objectives, specific requirements and the needs of your audience and facilitators. For workshops and classroom needs, we provide full instructional design services, train-the-trainer sessions, training delivery and implementation support.

Are You Prepared for Unusual Interviewing Situations?

Are You Prepared for Unusual Interviewing Situations?

Even with the best preparation, you still may encounter situations that go beyond normal. Maybe a candidate just can’t think of anything to say, or talks too much, or even has misrepresented his or her qualifications.

Dec 3, 2020
Getting Back to Work During/After the Pandemic

Getting Back to Work During/After the Pandemic

The impact of the current pandemic has been felt by just about every business around the world. Organizations are navigating a broad range of issues that span from keeping their employees and customer safe to re-configuring business operations and getting things to a 'new' normal.

Nov 17, 2020
We Will Prevail. Together.

We Will Prevail. Together.

During these stressful times, Logical Performance and TrainingFlow are here to help. Whether it’s walking through training needs or simply for an ear to listen, we are here. We are open. We are present. We are prepared to help.

Apr 2, 2020
Telecommuting: Making a Success of Working from Home

Telecommuting: Making a Success of Working from Home

So, now you’re working from home. Awesome! Right? Working from home is great on so many levels. Not having to commute saves money and time. You can avoid the fish and popcorn smells emanating from the break room. And new technology tools make it simple to check in with office teammates.

Mar 4, 2020
Working on Diverse Teams - Top 10 Tips

Working on Diverse Teams - Top 10 Tips

Diverse teams with members from different backgrounds will offer an even greater variety of expertise and personalities. While it may take an increased amount of respect and awareness to work in concert, the team has a greater potential for victory.

Feb 1, 2020
Emotional Intelligence - A Better Predictor of Top Performers Than Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence - A Better Predictor of Top Performers Than Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) is considered to be the compliment to traditional IQ (Intelligence Quotient). EI has been offered as the missing link which explains why people with average IQ outperformed those with the highest IQ 70% of the time.

Jan 1, 2020