TrainingFlow™ Features

 All Courses in the Cloud

Learning courses have multitude of files (videos, images) that have to be fetched quickly to provide users with fluent learning experience. All of our courses are in the cloud, providing blazingly fast speeds to your browser or mobile device.

 Users Can Learn on Smartphones & Tablets

Your users can download Android and iOS app from the respective stores. They can learn even when offline, then sync their progress when back online. Courses can be downloaded in the app and progress is stored on the device. The app can be used by several users via the built-in account persistence.

The iOS & Android apps support:

  • Persistent learner progress, synchronized when online
  • Course download storage
  • Notifications for incomplete assignments (assigned courses) and expiring assignments
  • Switch-user capability for multi-employee usage of the same device 

 Comprehensive Reports & User Transcripts

You have summarized and detailed reports for:

  • Completed courses
  • Course activity by users
  • Course surveys
  • Started courses
  • User registrations
  • User logins 

 Manage Multitude of Users

Import thousands of users at once and assign courses. We have a nice Excel compatible user import (using the provided excel template). Users have the following imported fields:

  • First and last name
  • Email
  • Password
  • Employee type (optional)
  • Employee department (optional)
  • Employee region (optional)

 Upload Custom Resources

Organize, reuse and share files with your users. You can attach resources to courses or make them generally available to the users in your company.

Learning Paths

Restrict the way that courses can be completed & viewed.

Latest Industry Standards

We support courses using the industry recognized standards:

  • SCORM 1.2
  • SCORM 2004
  • Tin-Can / xApi

 Mini Packages for Your Internal LMS

If you have existing internal LMS but do not want the burden of big courses with files - we can provide a solution. Our courses are in the cloud and you can have a special mini-package (couple of megabytes) that you import as a course in your LMS. The mini-course fetches all the resources from the cloud and your users progress through the course without waiting. Reporting can be done to your LMS only or both TrainingFlow™ and your LMS - whichever option is preferred.